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Want access to our FREE library of printables and cut files to use around the house and in your crafting projects? Heck yes!! Right ?!?
We love creating beautiful printables to use for home, family and fun. And did you know you can combine printables WITH a cutting machine to make a Print Than Cut project? How fun is that, and the best part is, it is soooo easy!!
On top of the fun printable we create, we also make a TON of cut files to use on your Cricut or Silhouette machines. Almost all our cut files come in 4 filet types - PNG, DXF, SVG and EPS to fit all your crafting needs.
BUT even if you don’t own a cutting machine right now, you can use the PNG files as clipart and making pretty cool projects such as stickers, greeting cards, print than cut projects and MORE!! I love PNGs!!

I LOVE how easy it is to use a printable PNG file and have it cut out perfectly on a Cricut machine?? You can do this too! Check out our tutorials and craft workshops to learn fun and exciting techniques.